Here are your top 10 nutritionist-approved, scientifically-based nutrients to support endometriosis holistically. Here you’ll get a brief overview of why and how these nutrients support your endometrial tissue, reproductive organs and your body holistically. As endometriosis is a complex and chronic condition, every person is different, and it is important to know that your healing process is individual. Your practitioners will advise your supplements specifically to your healing condition; however, eating these abundant food sources will give your body the extra boost it needs to reduce inflammation.
Here is an anatomy chart of your reproductive organs
Have a good look at this as we will bring up terms like ‘endometrium’ and ‘ovary’ in this document. The more understanding you have of your reproductive system, the better.
[Image of] Anatomy of the female reproductive organs [1]
Here’s what the reproductive organs look like with endometriosis –
no wonder you’re in pain!
[Image of] Reproductive Medicine staging system of endometriosis is based on a points system that takes into account location, extent and depth of disease in relation to pelvic structures [2].
Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
There’s a lot of hype about Omega-3 EFAs and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and they come in many different forms; such as s a-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These unsaturated fatty acids are excellent for nourishing and supporting the cell membranes within your endometrial tissue. They may reduce inflammation, endometrial lesion formations and balance inflammatory pathways associated with endometrial tissue expression [3]. These oils have blood thinning properties and can improve dysmenorrhea (painful periods) or excessive menstrual clotting. A 2014 research paper found that women with high PUFAs were 82% less likely to have endometriosis compared to women with low EPA levels [4].
The most bioavailable and easily converted sources of essential fatty acids come from fish. Plant-based sources of omega-3 EFA (ALA) are high in ratios; however, are limited with enzymatic conversions to the essential (DHA), and (EPA). Algal oils have significantly increased DHA compared to nuts/seeds trials. Research suggests that without direct DHA or EPA consumption, ALA should be doubled [5] [6].
If you’re vegan or vegetarian, try to get these healthy fats in daily.
Food sources: Algal oil, flax seed oil, extra virgin olive oil, nut butters, hemp oil, salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, cod liver oil, nuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, and avocado.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant, particularly for the reproductive system. Antioxidants associated with vitamin E specifically target inflammatory compounds called reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause cell destruction, ovarian miscommunication, and even DNA damage [7]. Oxidative stress is highly associated with endometriosis and must be reduced to support pain. Vitamin E improves reproductive cellular communication and cellular defences against your internal and external environment, particularly reducing pro-inflammatory pathways [8].
Vitamin E has also been shown to support ovary communication, nourish women’s reproductive system as a whole [9] and may improve pain with sex, periods and everyday discomfort associated with endometriosis [10].
Food sources: oats, coconut, walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, olive oil, avocados, spinach, and pumpkin seed oil. These nut and seed oils are perfect to add on your salads and vegetables. Tip: Pair your oil with a vinaigrette or apple cider vinegar to help digestion and the absorption of fats.
Vitamin A and Beta carotene
So we’ve heard that vitamin A is amazing for acne and gut health, but did you know it works wonders for endometriosis? Beta carotene and retinoic acid are potent antioxidants involved in cellular replication and differentiation in the endometrium – these pathways are imbalanced in endometriosis. It has been shown to help balance 17β-oestradiol, an oestrogen often elevated in endometriosis sufferers. Vitamin A is a key protective nutrient for immune system, skin barriers, cysts, and endometrial tissue [11].
The uterine lining must have sufficient vitamin-A stores for endometrial cells to be created and function healthily. Often, endometriosis is associated with abnormal gene expression, causing imbalances within immune cellular communication and increasing inflammatory processes. Vitamin A has been shown to directly improve DNA expression and healthy oestrogen conversions [11].
If you’ve been suffering from acne, rashes, or gut issues, vitamin A might help to improve these symptoms.
*Avoid doses over 10,000 IU per day If you are trying to conceive
Food sources: Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of beta-carotene. Cod liver oil, eggs, papaya, peaches, carrots, spaghetti squash, pumpkin, capsicums, liver, meats, and dark green leafy vegetables
B-vitamin complex
B-vitamins are pretty much required for every single metabolic function in your body – wowza! They are essential for energy production, fat/carbohydrate/protein metabolism, cellular growth, DNA and neurotransmitter production. A B-complex can help support healthy liver detoxification and ensure your body has all the required nutrients to support its natural processes, particularly for oestrogen metabolism. B-vitamins are essential to Phase 1 and 2 detoxifications within the liver. If you’re depleted in the B’s, oestrogens can become recirculated and we don’t want that! If you’re on a contraceptive, research indicated you’re more susceptible to being depleted in B-vitamins, particularly B6, folate and B12 [12]. These nutrients are important for many reactions, however, specifically for healthy blood and neurotransmitter formation (hence yet another reason why you can feel cray when you’re depleted). If you’re bleeding heavily or anaemic, taking an active form of B-vitamins with high bioavailability may considerably help you – even more so if you’re vegan or vegetarian as Vitamins B6 & B12 are only derived from animals. It is vital that you are getting your required B-vitamins to ensure healthy DNA processes. Your red blood cells rely heavily on nutrients to make healthy a endometrium lining [13].
Food sources: You will find B-vitamins in an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Particularly, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, grains, eggs, and dairy products
Vitamin D3
It is important to have your vitamin D levels checked if you are suffering from endometriosis. Vitamin D plays very significant roles in your overall health and vitality. It is essential for a healthy immune system and finding abnormal cells and communicate that with the rest of the body. This nutrient can reduce inflammatory mediators often associated with endometriosis. Vitamin D plays a key role in reproductive health, particularly in protecting the local reproductive environment, skin matrix and ensuring healthy reproductive communications. Vitamin D is vital for healthy sex hormone production (progesterone, oestrogen, testosterone), happy neurotransmitters (dopamine/serotonin) and it even helps to regulate blood sugars. If you find yourself constantly inflamed with rashes, migraines, immune issues and never really get the chance to go outside to get some sunshine – it’s worth looking into. Vitamin D = vitality.
Try adding some of these food sources into your diet for an extra boost:
Wild-caught Atlantic salmon, mackerel, sardines, cod liver oil, rainbow trout, herring, eggs and mushrooms.
DIM stands for 3,3′-diindolylmethane and is a phytochemical extracted from cruciferous vegetables. This molecule has exhibited anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, oestrogen balancing and detoxification activities [14] [15]. Endometriosis is an oestrogen-dominant inflammatory disease. Oestrogen is responsible for cell growth and endometrium tissue production. Excessive oestrogen can wreak havoc on a woman’s body and can be increased in a myriad of ways, including; stress, dietary deficiencies, inflammation, environmental toxins/oestrogens, synthetic hormones, immune dysfunction and, in particular, endometriosis – abnormal endometrial tissue. Accumulating evidence has demonstrated an association between endometriosis and abnormal progesterone signaling within the endometrium; unfortunately, endometriosis is complex, but we must make sure your hormones are communicating healthily. Our hormones are intricately intertwined with many biological interactions; we want the ovaries, brain and endometrial tissues to correspond correctly.
Food sources (think green and leafy!): broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage, collard greens, watercress, and mustard greens.
* Do not take DIM when on any type of contraception, unless advised by a health professional.
Magnesium is an abundant mineral in the body, and we use it a lot without even realizing! Every thought, movement, cramp, cell and muscle tissue require this mineral. It is an important co-factor for DNA, neuromuscular health, digestion and detoxification. Magnesium has been shown to help prevent many gynecological issues such as PMS, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation – UGH!), menstrual related migraines and endometrial tissue inflammation [16].
If you’re overly stressed and feel that headaches or migraines are constantly taking over your life - this supplement might be right up your ally! It’s great for increasing blood circulation around the myometrium (middle layer of the uterine wall) and helps to relax your smooth muscles [17]. This occurs by magnesium helping to thin the blood, allow the capillaries to open (vasodilation), reduce blood clotting susceptibility and support your psychological response to stress. It has been repeatedly shown in scientific literature that magnesium can be reduced overtime when using oral contraceptives (this can also be attributed to the increased risk of thrombosis whilst on the OCP) [13].
Magnesium is an excellent supplement to enhance evening relaxation and nourishing your nervous system, taking a daily magnesium supplement can be a nice way to nourish your body holistically and prevent excessive cyclic changes.
Food sources: nuts, seeds, avocado, raw cacao, dark chocolate, wild-caught fatty fish, and green leafy vegetables.
Endometriosis is a very complex condition with a multitude of potential underlying factors – which is why it must be treated holistically. Research suggests that the gut microbiome is a major component in regulating endometrial tissue due to its strong association with the immune system. 70% of your immunity is made in the gut, without a healthy gut your body can suffer systemically in nearly all aspects of health.
Endometriotic lesions are often activated by overstimulation of the immune system. If you’ve been diagnosed with retrograde menstruation, it can cause menstrual blood debris, tissue fragments, iron, and inflammatory compounds to go places they shouldn’t around your pelvic/abdominal regions. Probiotics may help reduce these processes by regulating associated inflammatory responses [18]. A healthy microbiome is critical to supporting endometriosis holistically [19].
Digestive issues like bloating, gas, digestive pain, loose bowel movements, and food intolerances can increase pain with endometriosis [20]. Digestion can be improved with the right probiotic supplements. There is a strong connection relating digestion, chronic inflammation and endometrial tissue – a healthy gut should be a high priority in your healing process.
Listen to your body – what are your triggers? Probiotics are excellent for supporting inflammation, immunity, digestion, mood and oestrogen metabolism [21]. If you’ve just had rounds of antibiotics or suffer from recurring thrush or urinary tract infections – add in some healthy microbes to nourish your body. These great little microbes are safe and can do a world of benefit to your health. Look for a good quality probiotic with a minimum of 30 billion CFU’s (speak with your consultant about specific probiotic strands for you).
You can get an abundance of healthy bacteria from fermented foods! It’s super easy to make your own – why not try with your friends or family?
Food sources: Kimchi, sauerkraut, miso soup, kombucha (careful that it isn’t too sugary), kefir, plant-based kefirs, tempeh and apple cider vinegar (with the mother).
Adding these foods to your meals can improve fat and protein digestion as the acidity can improve digestive secretions and available enzymes to breakdown your food. Win-Win!
Co-Enzyme Q10 is a potent antioxidant that has been shown to reduce systemic and local inflammation – this means that it can reduce inflammation within your tissues. This powerful antioxidant promotes healthy blood flow and can considerably reduce blood clotting, menstrual blood consistency and allows your red blood cells to carry oxygen effectively – Say goodbye to fatigue!
Your whole body relies on healthy blood and oxygen to promote energy so your cells can do what they’ve been biologically engineered to do correctly. Supplementing CoQ10 can be beneficial for endometriosis sufferers because it works directly on a cellular level to reduce inflammation [22]. It can boost energy, improve pain, and may help reduce endometriotic lesions from occurring [23].
If all of your cells have the energy and integrity they need, they’ll be better equipped to make sure your healing process can begin. This means that your DNA, immunity, hormones, ovaries and blood may be appreciably improved with CoQ10.
*You cannot take CoQ10 if you’re already on blood thinning medications.
Selenium is another nutrient that the oral contraceptive pill can reduce absorption – if you’ve been the OCP for a while – it’s probably time to look at a good sourced multi-vitamin containing selenium. Selenium is crucial for healthy thyroid function which controls your metabolism, weight, energy and mood. It’s also a pretty amazing antioxidant and works hard to protect your cells from oxidative damage – Thanks selenium! This nutrient doesn’t stop there, it’s fabulous for supporting skin, nails, collagen and keeps your immune system in check.
Research also suggests that selenium can improve ovarian follicles via it’s antioxidant mechanisms [24]. Endometriosis is an inflammatory state of the body, particularly, within the peritoneal cavity, which means antioxidants are key in your healing journey. Boosting your selenium can be done easily with the right foods (just a small handful of brazil nuts per day can get you your daily requirement – yay for nature!)
Food Sources: Brazil nuts, garlic, organic grains, eggs, liver, fish, red meat and chicken.
*Discuss with a health professional if you’re on any thyroid medication
Disclaimer: It is important if you are taking medication or supplements to discuss supplementation with a trained health professional prior to purchasing or using these nutrients. Nutrients can interact with medications, and supplements and require healthy intake levels. Overconsumption can cause further imbalances.
Creator: Renee Grandi – Nutritionist and Naturopath
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